Ultimate truth and freedom
Dear Friends
Spiritual Practice is the mindful engagement of wisdom based perspectives and practices, purposed towards mental calm, clarity, insightful understandings and the realisation of Ultimate Truth and Freedom.
Our Spiritual Practice is the mindful engagement and expression of our Mind-Heart and as such the Mind-Heart will find the best supportive environment for it lessons, learnings and Liberation.
Last week on the 25th July my student, friend and friend to many, Stephen took Monastic Ordination as a Samanera – a Novice Monk at Bodhinyana Monastery in Western Australia. Stephen’s new Monastic name is Mettaji.
The following verse that I have written is offered in honour and praise of Mettaji’s Mind-Heart commitment to Realise Reality and Freedom following the Buddha’s Path. ‘Well done’ Mettaji – ‘Sadhu’
When the mind,
Has loosened, lessened or lost
It’s ignorant identification with the ego- self,
Then there is not the meaning nor motivation
For enabling and engaging into the ways of the world.
For such a mind,
There is not the buying-into or becoming
Lost in the Eight Worldly Conditions – LOKA DHAMMA
This mind then,
Will see, seek and source
The blessing of life lived as a SAMANA.
The simple life of one ‘Gone Forth’
From the ways of the world.
For such a one,
Faith in the Buddha’s Teachings – the Buddha Dhamma
And the life of a SAMANA is steadfast.
Such a one may live a simple life in the world, but be not of it!
Or maybe the mind of such a one will
Move from the world into life Gone-Forth,
To live the Blessing of the Buddha.
Kind Regards
John – Javano