Contemplation leads to liberation
Dear Friends
One of the blessings but also blights of being human is our ability to think!
That we can think is a great virtue but also a great vice. It can bring great joy but also be a great source of psychological stress and suffering.
Maybe that is why the Buddha in his wisdom stated the need for ‘Right Thought’.
Right Thought is the second of the eight factors of the Practice Path of the Buddha’s Teachings.
Right Thought includes, thinking at the right time, place, amount and on a topic that is healthy and worthy of thought. Contemplation, as part of Right Thought, is a mindful consideration that can lead to great insight, understanding and wisdom. This is expressed in my verse on Contemplation.
Kind Regards
Contemplation is an inner examination,
That leads to an inner exploration, creating insightful explanation,
Of the fundamental factors, features and functions,
That is our experience of Life.
Contemplation can lead to
Realisations, furthering our inner knowing
Which becomes the worth and wealth
That is Wisdom!
Wisdom is an inner understanding and knowing,
That can motivate and move us beyond the ways of the world.
Wisdom is not so much to be had but to be used and suffused,
Into our being, behaviour and engagement with Life.
Wisdom leads to the waning,
Of selfish want, will and woe;
To the Mind-Hearts Freedom Release,
From the stress and suffering of Samsara!