Dear Friends
Our Mindfulness collects mental energy and connects mental awareness to the ongoing flow of the experience which we call Life. Without Mindfulness we can miss many moments and much of life, as well as the possibility of freedom from the source of psychological stress and suffering.
Of any and of all the psychological or spiritual practices worth pursuing and practicing; Mindfulness would be the main and most important. Mindfulness is the calm and clear-minded, correct and direct, conscious way of relating to all experience.
John B.
If we are intent on Real Happiness (Paramasukkha);
Then we need to be intent on Freedom (Nibbana) from suffering (Dukkha).
To be intent on Freedom from suffering;
We need to be intent on Insight Wisdom (Vipassana Pannya).
If we are intent on Insight Wisdom;
We then need to be intent on Mindfulness (Sati).
If we are intent on Mindfulness;
Then we need to practice Mindfulness through the Four Foundations (Satipatthana) intensely
(Mindfulness of Bodily Experience, Felt Experience, Mental States, Mental Objects).
Such is the importance and imperativeness of slowing down all activities.
Slowing down, simplifying and purifying activities;
Allows the minds mental processes to also slow down, calm down and be clearly seen.
Here Mindfulness can sense and see, notice and know the processes
And processing that is so much taken for granted.
Especially in the mental making; conceiving and concocting; conditioning and compounding;
The sense of self, the activity of ‘I – making’ through ‘my-making’;
Fashioning and fabricating the ‘mental-me’.
In so many places and in so many ways, the Buddha through his Teachings (Dhamma);
Points out the need for ongoing, flexible, fluid, flowing, functional Mindfulness.
Here the mind pays attention, attending attentively and intently,
To all the ongoing flow of continual arising and passing (Anicca);
Of all mental and physical experience – of all that is known.
This is the Way; the Direct Way (Ekayano Maggo);
To the Full and Final Freedom (Vimutti)
Which is Enlightenment (Nibbana).