Dear Friends
Welcome to our life’s New Year of 2020.
The fact that we have arrived into the New Year means that the last year has gone; that period of time is no longer; like a meal that has been taken, eaten, consumed and is now finished!
So too, this New Year will also be consumed and in time be no more.
However, what becomes important is not that a year, a month, a week, a day, hour – minute – moment is gone – but how mindful it was experienced!
If Life – which is simply a matter of time – which makes material matter – and then does mentally matter; is lived Mindfully, Consciously with Bare Attention and Clear Comprehension – then we can say it has been lived well.
Here the length of time or the activities engaged in that time, become less important than the quality of the experience of those moments through Mindfulness.
Let’s make and partake of this year with Mindfulness and Wise Awareness like a meal, mindfully made and mindfully eaten.
Please enjoy my verse below on ‘Mindfully Making the Mindful Meal!’
Kind Regards – John
Most meals are not made mindfully.
Most meals are not eaten mindfully.
Both in the preparation and in the consumption;
Something special is lost!
What is lost is Mindfulness;
Its exercise and development;
Its engagement and experience;
Its practice, progress and potential.
With Mindfulness;
When making the ‘Mindful-Meal’;
We are present with care and attention;
With appreciation and joy!
With Mindfulness;
When eating the ‘Mindful- Meal’;
We are present with care and attention;
With appreciation and joy!
The fact remains that no matter how much;
We have been mindful in making the ‘Mindful-Meal’;
No matter how much care, concern and consideration;
The ‘Mindful-Meal will not remain!
The ‘Mindful-Meal’ to be appreciated;
Respected and used wisely;
Does need to be consumed mindfully;
It is thus ingested, digested and does disappear!
What does remain is;
The experience and feeling;
The quality and strength;
Of our Mindfulness!
And so too of Life!
No matter how much contemplation and care;
consideration and concern for self, others and things;
In the end it’s the quality of Mindfulness that means the most!