Dear Friends
As we be with and bear through, ride with and abide with the challenges of changing times, it can be most helpful to check in with and tune in with that which is perennial.
Here the perennial nature of Nature and specifically a Forest, can bring some peace of mind and peace of Being; particularly if we are caught in thoughts and feelings based on another time and another place.
Try and connect to Nature to connect our own Nature to that which is perennial and enduring.
Find your balance and find your flow and then live Mindfully, Kind-fully and Wise-fully from there.
Enjoy my poem below.
Kind Regards
John B.
To the Forest Dwellers;
Around us, amongst us;
As us or within us!
The forest of trees;
And shrubs, bushes and plants;
Animals, insects and all.
Resonate and vibrate;
Sing, sound and cast a call;
Sending a voice forth;
Of Constant Calm and Perennial Peace.
A living life of life living;
Always happening just – right – NOW!
The forest with-out;
And the forest with-in;
Continually calls us to Nature;
Continually calling us to our nature.
The living nature of constant flow;
Happening always only along the NOW.
Forests rise;
And forests fall.
The trees they do rise;
And the trees they do fall.
Creatures come and creatures go;
But all is all and always now; always and only so!