Dear Friends
Sadly, much of our direct and correct experience of life is missed due to our lack of Mindful Attention. Not only do we miss out on what is happening always and only now, but we also miss out seeing the truth of things through the cause-effect relationship particularly with regards to the mental making of the sense of self. The mind’s continual mental comments and self -commentary of critique, concern and complaint; creates the illusion of a self-somebody that is having an experience; the ‘experiencer’ of the particular mental or physical experience! As a consequence of this, there is also then a ‘seeming someone’ to stress and suffer. What is required is great Mindful-Attention with ongoing Attending, which enables a Mind-Sight with Wise-Insight; of which our Mindfulness Training through Meditation becomes so important for the exercising and development of this potential.
Please enjoy my words of encouragement below.
Kind Regards
John B.
Might we mindfully attend;
To the degree of attention;
That we give to the activity of attending to;
The fundamental fabric and flow;
Of our ongoing experience.
With clarity, preciseness, and conciseness;
We can clearly sense, see and source;
The underlying irritants that disturb;
Distract, distress, distort and diminish;
The mind’s peace and purity of direct, correct perception.
So easily is it for the mind;
To be caught and brought to illusion;
Confusion, delusion and conflict;
Due to the misperception and deception;
Of concocting, creating and compounding conceit.
Let’s sight, see and know with Mindful-Insight;
The feeling and fulfillment;
Of full and Final Freedom;
So greatly sought and progressively wrought;
But only with Full Mindful Attention brought!