Dear Friends
Welcome to Autumn.
As we know extremes are exciting!
Extreme sports, extreme seasons, extreme places, extreme people, extreme practices; all distract us from the norm and attract us to the exciting.
Yet such extremes can also be unpleasant and even painful.
However, that which is in between the extreme, that which is the moderate , the middle, can be much more manageable, bearable, even pleasant and pleasing.
Such is our new Season of Autumn, here in the Southern Hemisphere of our Planet Earth.
Autumn is between the extremes of Sumer and Winter, a pleasant and beautiful time of year. Our Autumn is our Middle Season where the temperature is not too hot and not too cold; a quieter calmer time for nature, a great time to be alive!
Like Autumn, the way of practice that was realised and revealed, taught and told by the Buddha is not the way of extremes but is that of the Middle Way. Whilst we can appreciate that the Middle Way of Practice is relative to the person practicing it, there are particular parameters of not indulging in the extremes of self-indulgent pleasure nor of self-indulgent pain.
As we settle into our year, now three months in, let’s make Autumn the season for finding our own Middle Way of Practice; of Living Ethically, Living with Meditative Calm and Living with Wise Understanding.
Let’s find our way to some Meditation Practice and Mindful Presence; for nourishing and nurturing our Mind-Body-Being into this new Season of Autumn and our ongoing year.
John B.