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Autumn Newsletter 2019

Dear Friends, Trusting this note finds you settling in to our Autumn months and cooler weather.  Amidst the rain over the last few days we did have wonderful weather Sunday 31st March for our Half Day Meditation Retreat at Ratangiri – Farrants Hill.  Our Retreat was well attended, and I thank all of you that attended for giving up your Sunday to share your presence in Mindful reflection and meditation. The theme for our Retreat was The Four Foundations for Mindful...
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Life at the Corner

Dear Friends – we often think and feel that our life is mostly about what has been and what will be. However, this particular philosophy or thesis may be missing the point? The point being that our life might just be happening right at that still point, that small corner between the past and the future. Take a meaningful pause in the present and breath-in and read-in my poem! John B. LIFE AT THE CORNER It seemed to many of us; most of us;...
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On My Way Home

Dear Friends We are meaning making beings! One of the most important tasks of our ‘self’, the ‘psychological self’, is to create and make meaning from the ongoing flow of data that appears in perception through the five physical senses and the mental sense of thinking. Not to find or make meaning can cause great confusion and distress. From what someone says, from what words are written, from what senses are sensed, we formulate and forge meaning so as to find our...
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Knowing the Unknown

Dear Friends We live our life in the realm of change and uncertainty. Whilst this includes the known, it also creates the unknown; like the two sided of the one coin; like the back and front of the one hand. Whilst we may feel okay with the known; maybe we can also become comfortable with getting to know the unknown and not filling it with fear and trepidation. The unknown can be acknowledged, accepted and allowed into our life as my verse below expresses. KNOWING THE UNKNOWN How do...
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Dear Friends It is so easy and so often that we become caught in and caught up as a particular limited view or perspective. Such a view excludes other views and other people. Being caught in and as a limited view becomes a source of separation, division, confusion and conflict. Our Meditation Practice is a way of helping the brain and mind move from the particular to the universal and from the exclusive to the inclusive. My verse below expresses this point...
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Always and Forever – Ever Leaving and Arriving

Dear Friends How long do we ever spend in one place? So often we may be here but thinking about going there; and in being there we have thoughts about being else-where. Life is a process of ongoing flux and flow. Becoming more aware of this we can find flow in the flux without so much stress and struggle. My verse below expresses the wonder and the mystery of the ever arriving and leaving.  John B.   ALWAYS AND FOREVER – EVER LEAVING AND ARRIVING We are...
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‘Coming to our Senses’ The Art of Receptive Knowing

Dear Friends This Sunday we held another Half Day Meditation Retreat here at Ratanagiri on the Tweed Coast. Below are the Retreat Reflection Notes for your consideration, especially if you did not have the chance to attend this Retreat. Kind Regards John B. Retreat Reflections: ‘Coming to our Senses’ – The Art of Receptive Knowing Sunday 10th February 2019: with Buddhist Psychologist & Meditation Teacher John Barter Being alive to life as the most important thing! At times we may well wonder, what life is all about...
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Life-Story and Love-Story

Dear Friends Much of our mental ‘self-talk’ does become the role and script that we live our life from. The stories that we tell ourselves continue to cultivate and create the person that we are. Seemingly subtle yet psychologically solid, we strengthen and sustain a someone that is our self. Please enjoy my verse about this process. John B. LIFE-STORY AND LOVE-STORY We all like and love a story; and we all are but a story. And of that story, we are both the story...
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Dear Friends Reality is, but reality bites - sometimes when we least expect, want or think that we can deal with it. Certainly we have all had this experience. However Mindfulness and Wisdom can prevail in helping us see clearly and gain ground when we either think or feel that the ground is sliding away from underneath us. Our Mindfulness and Meditation practice, our re-perspective from Understanding and Wisdom can offer firm footing to help regain our poise and presence. Take heart from...
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Of Good and Greatness

Dear Friends With the beginning of the new year we often think about what we wish, want or will achieve this year. Such thoughts can also bring a sense of sadness at what we haven’t yet achieved or experienced, got or gained, developed or maintained. We may also think about what we could have, should have, will not or won’t ever achieve or fulfil. However, if we take a moment to move our mind beyond our sense of being a single...
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