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Point of peace …..

Dear Friends So often we miss the ‘point of peace’ which is always and only right – here – now, when we don’t get caught into wishing or wanting something other than what is! Whilst we do need to use discernment and wisdom based judgments in life, when we make ‘judgemental judgements’ we trap ourselves and often others too in frustration and fear. Have a read of my verse below for Mindful Reflection and the development of  your own Life Wisdom. Kind Regards John     OTHER...
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Relax into uncertainty

RELAX INTO UNCERTAINTY Relax into uncertainty; For uncertainty is the fundamental foundation and underlying reality of our life.   Uncertainty is the binding element that collects and connects all conditioned things; that both allows and is the cause of their arising and their passing.   While both frustrating and fascinating, Uncertainty has much more to offer us than our thought would like us to consciously consider.   For uncertainty is the mother of our creativity and the father of possibilities. Uncertainty is the child of our hope and excitement while also being the grandparent...
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Transitional Zones

Dear Friends Maybe its time for some mind time, free from the roles and responsibilities of our self? Finding or making a ‘Transitional Zone – time and space in your day or week could be the answer to ‘Sustainable Well-Being’ and the Transpersonal experience of just Mindful Knowing free from being caught up as the ‘knower’! Have a read of my idea of ‘Transitional Zones. Kind Regards John B.   TRANSITIONAL ZONES Transitional Zones or Space are important in our life and integral to...
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Ultimate truth and freedom

Dear Friends Spiritual Practice is the mindful engagement of wisdom based perspectives and practices, purposed towards mental calm, clarity, insightful understandings and the realisation of Ultimate Truth and Freedom. Our Spiritual Practice is the mindful engagement and expression of our Mind-Heart and as such the Mind-Heart will find the best supportive environment for it lessons, learnings and Liberation. Last week on the 25th July my student, friend and friend to many, Stephen took Monastic Ordination as a Samanera – a Novice Monk...
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Ode to Trees

Dear friends Over the week I have been contemplating the wonder and the worth of our friends the ‘Trees’. Please find joy and appreciation in my ‘Ode to Trees’. Take time to find yourself a tree to visit and share with, make friends with and you will never feel lonely.   ODE TO TREES To the beloved company of our tall and sturdy many varied friends, the Trees; Wherever you are; whatever you are; We give thanks.   We thank you for growing and greening this planet, our...
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Beautiful Friendship

We need to Connect, Communicate and Care. Why? Because, the ‘psychological-self’; The you and the me; The I and the we; The them, they and us; Is a ‘relational tool’. The mind’s ‘relational tool’ for connecting and collecting experience; for calculating and communicating with others is the ‘psychological-self’. This ‘I-self’, is fed and fuelled, nurtured and nourished by the activities of connecting and communing, communicating and caring.   The ‘I-self’ is a psychological relational phenomena; Created and construed, constructed and conditioned to connect; to relate and create relationships. The ‘I-self’ is...
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Realising Retreat

REALISING RETREAT We all need to experience a ‘Retreat’. A retreat certainly can be a specific place, a set amount of time; the creating of a situation and occasion for taking a break. A retreat break could be for a period of months, weeks, days, hours; even just an hour or a number of minutes as provided by a ‘meditation’. A retreat place and period, a meditation or some mindful moments, needs to be approached and addressed with a healthy mind set, attitude,...
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Sustainable Well-Being

‘SUSTAINABLE WELL-BEING’ – Reflections by John Barter More than anything else, we seek to be Happy and much of our precious life’s time and energy is purposed towards this goal and experience (Sukkha). However, we are beset with the blight and maybe blessing of ‘Uncertainty’! We live in the realm of ‘Uncertainty’; this is how we live, this is how we die! However, we also live in an age of uncertainty, due to the ever-increasing fast pace of our life and...
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Welcome to Winter

Dear Friends – Welcome to Winter. We certainly know that the year is moving on when our winter arrives; which means that we are half way through this year! Winter finds us experiencing another side of nature, the cooler even cold weather, grey days, the wet and the windy. Plant and animal life tend to take a break, conserve and preserve energy for the coming of Spring. Whilst we tend to live and work in artificial environments, set up with constant and unchanging...
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The Four Ways of Mindfulness

THE FOUR WAYS OF MINDFULNESS Mindfulness is a ‘Conscious Clarity’ and an ‘Awakened Awareness’. Mindfulness is our Minds natural ability to be present to what is happening. Our Mindfulness connects us to what is happening externally through our Bodily Senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Mindfulness also connects us to what is happening internally within us through our Feelings, Mental States and specific Mental Content. How we know and experience life and how we know we are alive...
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