Can we go quietly …..
Dear Friends
Our life is a process of happenings, all involving beginnings and endings. How we experience such beginnings or endings determines the particular experience and quality of our life. Whilst every beginning has implicit within it an ending, how we approach or feel about these is up to us. A beginning may be experienced with fear and anxiety or with curiosity and excitement. An ending may be met with disappointment and despair or with a resolving and release.
The following verse is my offering of how we might face the endings in our life and the ending of our life with both wisdom and calm.
John B.
Can we go quietly;
after the pain of loss and defeat,
without distress and without confusion;
Can we go quietly?
And can we go quietly;
amidst the sadness and sorrow
of the death of a dear loved one,
without giving into depression and the darkness of despair?
Can we go quietly;
when all hope and happiness have left us
for another land; another time and place,
that is not now?
And can we go quietly;
when we would rather rant and rave, scream and yell, destroy and self-destruct?
Can we go quietly in Peace, in Patience, and Perseverance;
knowing in our deepest Mind-Heart what really matters; what the point really is – can we go quietly then?
Can we go quietly;
when the music is so moving, evoking the deepest feeling and emotion;
that connects to the core of our being, the resonates and reminds us of life’s profound sentiment;
when the tears fill our eyes and the cry of our heart deafens our ears; can we go quietly then?
And can we go quietly;
when those around us still sing and dance;
when they delight in love and life;
when they continue to find fun and fascination, fantasy and fulfillment, joy and hope where we find none?
Can we go quietly;
when there is no more left to do; when there is nowhere left to be; when there is no time left to live;
when there is no one to share the journey and when there is no one left to be?
And can we go quietly; to that place where there is nowhere to dwell?
And in all of this; and as all of this and from all of this;
can we go quietly when it is our time to go; to take our leave, depart the platform; to disconnect, to disappear, to die to now?
Can we, might we, may we, simply go quietly into the Great Void;
And with a silent surrender, gently let go and slip beyond?