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Category Archives: Newsletter


Dear Friends Particular times of the year are dedicated to various pursuits, purposes or perspectives. Certain times or occasions are for the purpose of Spiritual Reflection and Practice. This is so in all the worlds Spiritual / Religious Traditions. ‘Easter’ is one such time of the year, particularly with the coming of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. However, no matter what the Spiritual Tradition is or the occasion celebrated, we can all make use of such times for Wise Reflection of Wisdom...
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Dear Friends Our year is filled with four seasons, each of which has its particular path and purpose in the context of Nature and the cycle of Life. Each season has a particular mood and energy that affects us in a particular way, based upon how that season is expressed through Nature, the result of the season that has been and affecting the season that will come. A certain significant season is that of Autumn; which lies between the two extreme seasons...
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Autumn Newsletter 2021

Dear Friends This is the first main Newsletter for our New Year 2021. Given that I send out a Newsletter each Season, this new season of Autumn is the first full season of our New Year, as Summer is a connecting Season from the old year to the new at the beginning and ending of each year. Autumn is a wonderful time of year, particularly with regards to Nature. Autumn brings a quietening down, a slowing down, a calming and cooling down from...
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Dear Friends I recently had a couple of friends visit me that have spent their life collecting beautiful Buddha statues and artifacts. They told me that the great detail and care that has gone into making these beautiful objects expresses deep love and respect for the Buddha and his Dhamma Teachings. This greatly inspires them to a life of Wisdom and Peace while also bringing great joy. This appreciation and skilful use of a Buddha image certainly resonates with me and...
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Dear Friends Happy New Year 2021. Welcome to this New Year – the here and the now of where we have arrived. Given that 2020 was a year like no other for most of the world; this New Year 2021 offers up hope of transcending the challenges of what has been. It becomes important to pause – ponder, consider and contemplate what and where we are directing our attention. We all know that, ‘where the attention goes – the energy flows!’ The beginning of a...
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Dear Friends This year, our year 2020 is almost ended; even though on reflection it has been in the process of ending since its beginning; that the ending was inherent in its beginning since its beginning was a result of the last year ending. And as this year ends, a New Year will arise and move through the same process and passage of time and change for the length of a year! On reflection this process of change is the nature...
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Summertime Newsletter 2020

Dear Friends Welcome to Summer. Summer is a special season for us here in the Southern Hemisphere, as it is a season that transcends the Old and the New Year. We begin the year with Summer, and we end the year with Summer. As an out-door loving nation and culture, we move through the year and into the long warm days of  Summer which take us out into the outdoors and nature for our end of year and New Year Holiday Season. This year, ...
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Dear Friends Small things, seen, felt, known and practiced can make a huge difference in our self, in others, in our life and in our world. Mindfulness, this quality of attentive awareness and knowing, is one such thing. Mindfulness practiced both in Meditation and daily life, can bring us to what the Buddha spoke about as the Ultimate Happiness – Nibbana. Mindfulness is the practice and path from stress and suffering to our ultimate ease and satisfaction. Please find some inspiration in my collection...
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Dear Friends Our life can appear incredibly complex and confusing at times; often more of the time than less of the time! Much of this relates to how we conceive, perceive and then receive our ongoing experience. If we bring attention back to our fundamental sensory experience without the ongoing mental comment, commentary, critique, concern and complaint; we may find a Simple Peace from Simply Knowing! Here lies the insight into the Reality and Truth of existence beyond the mentalising and stressing...
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Dear Friends Sometimes a few words can go a long way in motivating us to maintain our Mindfulness and Meditation Practice. We all need inspiration and encouragement at times, especially when we might be missing our usual support group and network that we would otherwise meet up with on a regular basis. The challenging times of COVID-19 remind us to stay connected and close to what is most important and not be attracted and distracted into ways that take us off in...
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