Endings ……
Dear Friends
The Buddhist phrase below offers insight and inspiration as to the reality of Life.
EVAM DHAMMO ANATITO – ‘The ending of things is a certainty’
Whilst we can appreciate the ANICCA-impermanence or changing nature of things, we often forget that because things change it also means that things do end. Sometimes we don’t appreciate this until the ending actually happens, this can then be a cause of upset, sadness, grief and despair. However, by becoming more aware of the fact that all things will at some time end, we can become more prepared for that by appreciating them while they do last, taking time to look after them and making the most of their importance in our life.
Certainly when things that are upsetting, distressing and painful end it can bring a sense of relief and joy. This means that how we experience an ending is relative to whether what has ended has been pleasant or unpleasant for us.
This becomes an important reflection with regards to WELL-AWARE-NESS in Sydney both for Psychology and the Meditation Groups which now will be concluding in 5 weeks time.
I do hope you make the most of WELL-AWARE-NESS in Sydney while I am here to share my wisdom perspectives and guidance with you.
If you have not been along to our Meditation Group for some time or a session for Psychology and would like to connect, please make some time to do so before I depart on December 9th 2016.
Metta Regards
John B.