Dear Friends
Of all the qualities and traits that can help us through the highs, lows and plateaus of life, Equanimity is superbly supreme!
Equanimity is the alliance of Compassion and Wisdom, forming a balanced approach of Wise-Kindness, so helpful in dealing with challenge and change, with disappointment and distress.
In the Buddha’s Teachings, Equanimity is appreciated and practiced as one of the ‘Four Spiritual Abiding’s; one of the ‘Seven Factors of Awakening’ and one of the ‘Ten Spiritual Virtues’.
Equanimity is a most important and powerful perspective to both see and act from, reducing the potential for guilt and blame that may come from impulsive reacting.
My verse below reminds and inspires the importance of Equanimity.
Kind Regards
John B.
Equanimity is the Way;
To maintain mindful calm presence;
And inwardly balanced to stay.
Equanimity is the Good;
In not being caught in reacting;
This is firmly to be understood.
Equanimity is the Right;
In being wise and discerning;
Developing clarity and Deep Insight.
Equanimity is the Freeing;
From fear, anxiety and distress;
Through True Reality seeing.
Equanimity is the Calm;
Of an inner present knowing;
A healing Mind-Heart Balm.
Equanimity is the Peace
When craving, anger and confusion;
Do full and finally cease!