Thursday Evening Group (NSW) – last one on Thursday 8th December 2016
'Ratanagiri' 11 Double View Road, Farrants HillWeek of Events
Thursday Morning Group (NSW) – last one in North Sydney on 8th December 2016
Recognizing the challenge of maintaining an ongoing meditation practice; the need for 'practical wisdom perspectives' in dealing with the stress and issues of contemporary life; the opportunity to check-in with a well-practised Meditation Teacher; and the benefits of group support with like-minded people; through WELL-AWARE-NESS, John Barter provides three ongoing Meditation Groups. Each of these Meditation Groups runs […]
Thursday Evening Group (NSW) – last one on Thursday 8th December 2016
Recognizing the challenge of maintaining an ongoing meditation practice; the need for 'practical wisdom perspectives' in dealing with the stress and issues of contemporary life; the opportunity to check-in with a well-practised Meditation Teacher; and the benefits of group support with like-minded people; through WELL-AWARE-NESS, John Barter provides three ongoing Meditation Groups. Each of these Meditation Groups runs […]
Thursday Morning Group (NSW)
Thursday Morning Group (NSW)
Recognizing the challenge of maintaining an ongoing meditation practice; the need for 'practical wisdom perspectives' in dealing with the stress and issues of contemporary life; the opportunity to check-in with a well-practised Meditation Teacher; and the benefits of group support with like-minded people; through WELL-AWARE-NESS, John Barter provides three ongoing Meditation Groups. Each of these Meditation Groups runs […]
Thursday Morning Meditation – with Ajahn Tiradhammo
Thursday Morning Meditation – with Ajahn Tiradhammo
This week's Thursday group has a special guest and will be followed by lunch with Ajahn Tiradhammo. Our spiritual path is made up of many factors that at times may even feel contrary to each other. With Mindfulness and Wise understanding we can create a way of being that allows harmony and flow as we […]
Thursday Evening Meditation Group – with Ajahn Tiradhammo
Thursday Evening Meditation Group – with Ajahn Tiradhammo
This week our special guest Ajahn Tiradhammo will be sharing his teachings during group meditation. Our spiritual path is made up of many factors that at times may even feel contrary to each other. With Mindfulness and Wise understanding we can create a way of being that allows harmony and flow as we practice on […]
Ajahn Tiradhammo – Bringing It All Together
Ajahn Tiradhammo – Bringing It All Together
Mindfulness & Buddhist Based Meditation Urban Retreat ‘Bringing It All Together’ Harmonising the factors of the Spiritual Path with Venerable Ajahn Tiradhammo Our spiritual path is made up of many factors that at times may even feel contrary to each other. With Mindfulness and Wise understanding we can create a way of being that […]