The next Retreat is on the 16th of February 2025.
Our first Meditation retreat for the year.
Topic: Meditations and Reflections on Beginnings and Endings.
The opportunity to take time out of the busy-ness of our contemporary lives can be an invaluable experience. We all realize the need to take a break, even knowing that our health and performance will be better for doing so, yet often we may feel at a loss with regards to how to take a conscious break and retreat from the ways of the world, if only for a while.
WELL-AWARE-NESS has responded to this need by offering both short and longer term Meditation Retreats. During his monastic life as a Buddhist monk, John Barter (JAVANO), both participated in and also led and taught Meditation Retreats. These included participating in a three month retreat each year and as a senior monastic in Europe leading and teaching Meditation Retreats.
Date : Sunday 16th February 2025
Time : NSW time – Arrive at 9.15am for a 9.30am start – 3.00pm finish.
Venue : Ratanagiri – 11 Double View Road, Farrants Hill NSW 2484
Led By : John Barter
Practice : Samadhi- Mindfulness of Breathing For Calm and Clarity
Cost : Dana – your expression of Generosity for the Teachings and Guidance.
In keeping with the Buddhist tradition and practice of generosity, teachings are freely given to support the WELLbeing of those interested in spiritual practice. In the spirit of generosity those that have received teachings are free to offer financial support for the continuation of such opportunity.
As a guide suggestion of $50 – $100 for teachings and guidance for the Day Retreat. Please bring cash for your Dana contribution for the day and a Donations Box will be provided on registration.
Bring : Lunch, Notepad and pen, water bottle, warm clothes, shoes for walking meditation outside, your own Meditation Cushion if you wish (Chairs and Meditation Cushions are available here).
Parking: (see photos) Please park in the Parking Area below the house (see photo) – off Double View Road on the left hand side – entrance between the Orange Witches Hats, just before the yellow Private Road sign. Return to the road and walk up to the House (Ratanagiri sign by the Stainless Steel Letter Box) – enter on the Left where the Rock Wall is.
Please contact me by email if you would like to join us.
Send your emails to: or text John on 0400 022 048
ZOOM LINK – it will be possible for people to connect that cannot make it in person. This will stay the same so we can use it for every retreat day.
Our Retreat Day will offer time for Sitting and Walking Meditation, with time for reflection, questions and discussion. We certainly can share in each other’s presence and insights.
We often think that life’s problems will either naturally DEsolve or that they will REsolve if we think hard enough about them.
However, the best way to understand and work with life’s problems is with a calm clear mind and some wise perspectives which are developed through our Meditation practice. This Mindfulness & Wisdom Based Workshop will offer Meditation Practice together with Wisdom Perspectives to look at and work with the realities that life throws up.
Thank you for your support and help.
Please contact us for any Inquiries.
I encourage you to continue with your ongoing Meditation and Mindfulness practice.
Metta Regards,
John B.