If Just One Of Us
Dear Friends
Have you ever paused to ponder, consider and contemplate, what it is that we give our life to?
Where life is fundamentally made up of time and energy; what is it that we are dedicating and devoting our precious time and energy to?
Whatever that particular thing or aspiration is, have we asked our self how much it is simply for our self or how much it might benefit others, even our humanity?
And maybe further; how long will that particular thing benefit one self or others; is it a short term fix or might it have a lasting long term benefit?
Consider my verse below on the focus of a Spiritual Aspiration and Realisation.
Kind Regards
If just one of us, would dedicate and devote their life,
To Realise Reality and free the Mind-Heart;
From greed, hatred and fear; from ignorance, confusion and delusion
Then we all would be part of that noble aspiration, motivation, intention.
If just one of us could Realise,
The Sure-Hearts-Release;
The Mind-Hearts Full and Final Freedom;
Then this, just this would be the Greatest Gift to the all of us!
And for such a One, that has come upon,
This hard won and firmly established final Freedom;
If they were to share, even a little of their journey, a little of their learning, a little of their liberation;
Then this indeed would be a great boon to the all of us!
For in one there is the all,
And in the all there is the one.
We live not in isolation, and what we do, see, feel and know, reflects and connects to the every one of us.
And whether you or anyone, sees, feels or knows this; this is an immutable fact and truth; for it is so!