Dear Friends
Trusting this note finds you well and warm as Winter makes her way into our lives and routines.
This week we are being reminded to not take certain freedoms potentials and possibilities for granted, as the COVID-19 Pandemic increases its presence here in Australia. This has resulted in again restrictions and limitations on where we can go, what we can do and how many people we can have in our home and work-place.
Having led and taught a Long Weekend Winter Retreat recently at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, I was very much looking forward to starting up my evening, weekly, drop-in Meditation Group.
However, with the current COVID-19 Government Guidelines this makes this not possible.
This becomes an opportunity for further Dhamma Practice, to be patient with regards to future goals and to be present to this day and this now!
Our Mindfulness – Insight and Wisdom practice is about being present to what is just here and just now. Life is always only happening just here and just now – this present moment is the point of existence!
My verse below points to this possibility.
Kind Regards
John B.
Make good this day;
And find your way;
To Peace and Calm;
A healing balm.
For the distressed mind;
All worries left behind;
Mindful Clear Sight;
Allowing Wisdom Insight!