Dear Friends
Our life certainly can feel more worthwhile when it has meaning.
Difficult situations and difficult times can be more easily dealt with and got through if they have a particular worth and meaning to us.
Whether there is any implicit meaning in Life, in events in things certainly can be questioned.
However, for the most part we do know that we ourselves can give meaning and make meaning of things. As humans we are meaning making creatures and this fact does lead to all forms of art and creative expression.
So, as to Life and our particular Life; what meaning do we give or make?
Has the meaning that we might have given to Life and our Life changed at times through our Life?
Do we engage and employ the meaning making of someone else or some tradition; worldly or spiritual to give and make meaning out of Life?
Certainly, to make meaning, to give meaning and to have meaning can help in creating purpose and direction and support in finding fulfillment.
Please give thought to my verse below on making meaning.
Kind Regards
John B.
The measure meaning and make;
Of our life, may be more about;
What we don’t do and what we forsake.
When all is said and done;
Our life is the result and residue;
Of how we have lived and run.
That life is the result of what we know;
How we have mindfully lived;
And what we have relinquished and let go!
Maybe it is not about the glory and the fame;
The pursuit of pleasure material objects;
The never-ending things to get and gain.
That a simple life of peace and joy;
To us brings great well-being and worth;
When mindfulness and wisdom we do employ!