We love ‘Miracles’.
Human beings love miracles!
For the fact remains that we as human beings did conceive of and are the creators of the idea of miracles!
A miracle, may merely be an ordinary, naturally occurring event or happening. However, it is our particular perception and conception, that transforms and creates that happening into a miracle, the miraculous.
Miracles are a matter of mind!
A miracle is relative to the Mind-Heart and eyes of the beholder.
So, in that sense, apart from what happens, we make the miracles.
We love miracles, we look for miracles, we seek and suffuse our life with miracles.
Miracles, fill us with a sense of awe, wonder and amazement. They fill us with the feeling of excitement, joy, appreciation and importantly the Mind-Heart set of gratefulness.
Miracles, attract and distract us from the past, the future and the petty. They bring us into the experience of the now; to see, be with and be transformed in some way by the experience of the miracle.
To feel this awe, wonder, appreciative-joy and gratefulness, lightens and brightens our Mind-Heart. This whole psycho-physical state is most healing and healthy for our whole mind, body and being.
It may also inspire and move the Mind-Heart to the experience of the interconnected, the interrelated, the interdependent nature of all things. It may also inspire an opening into the Spiritual, the Transpersonal, the Transcendent, the Non-Dual, the Numinous or Mystery of Things!
If the perception and reception of a miracle, the miraculous, is so healthy, healing-ful and meaningful for us; what then could we see and perceive and experience as a miracle in our ongoing day to day – regular life?
The Four Miracles – To Pause with, to Ponder on and to Realise with Joy.
- The First Miracle is: ‘The Miracle of Life’, that there is LIFE in the universe. Of all the billions of planets in all the galaxies, that here on this planet Earth there is an amazing diversity of life. The Buddha saw the amazing interconnectedness of all life and thus the importance of non-harming living things.
- The Second Miracle is: ‘The Miracle of Life as a HUMAN BEING’, of all the billions of life forms on our planet, that we have life as a human being is amazing and wonderful and needs to be appreciated used well. The Buddha said that birth as a human being is a blessing indeed and is the best birth for Realising Reality – Enlightenment.
- The Third Miracle is: ‘The Miracle of Thought’, that we can THINK, that we are the ‘thinking creature’; that as human beings we have this amazing ability to cognize, consider, conceive and create. Yet so important to appreciate and use thought skilfully, mindfully, wisely; the Buddhas idea of ‘Right Thought’.
- The Fourth Miracle is: ‘The Miracle of the Mind of No Thought’, that we can STOP THINKING; we can pause the mental commentary, and Realise Reality beyond thought, beyond the mentally made me. When thought stops, we stop, when we stop, Reality is! Ultimate, Unconditioned, Non-Dual Reality. Here the Minds true nature of Stillness, Silence and Spaciousness is known; this is Real Peace.
What we can know of our self and of the ‘self’; of others, the world, existence and of life, is only limited by where we cease from questioning. What can be realized or more importantly revealed of Reality, is only where the mind can be free from the limitations of thought and thinking.
Our Mindfulness and SAMADHI Meditation make this possible.
John B.