Dear Friends
Have we ever had a moment of no-time, a time out of or beyond time?
Most of us have had this experience at some time or another!
Often we describe it as ‘time stood still!’
However what may have been happening for us is that the ‘mind stood still’!’
Here no thinking, no mental creating of a past or future or even a someone to be caught up in time.
On these timeless occasions we may feel Profound Peace; the feeling of simply being right Now!
This surprising, strange yet so simple and natural experience that is known without a ‘knower’ is likened to the unconditioned which is Nirvana or the Pali word Nibbana. This is the opposite of the continual conditioning and compounding cycling process which is Samsara.
My verse below reminds us of how the mental ‘I-making’ based in time continues to confound the Profound Peace that is otherwise always Present.
John B.
Time is testing, trying and taxing;
Time is tedious, taunting, tormenting and torturing;
Yet time is also teasing, titillating and tantalising!
The trouble, taunt, and taint of time;
Is that it takes over and seduces the mind;
Creating and causing the continuity of the ego-self.
The ego-self is created and concocted;
Caused and conditioned;
Compounded and compelled by time!
In this I-making, my-making, me-making through time;
Time takes and taxes the mind of present continuous, Now-Knowing time;
The stable, sustainable, sure, safe time that is always already just now!
Now-time, nourishes and nurtures;
Protects and preserves our precious mindfulness.
Mindfulness is the timeless always now-time!
Samsara – exists in time, taking time from the time of now!
Sustained and supported by the stress, strain, struggle, suffering and sorrow;
Of the seeming ego-self.
Nibbana – Nirvana, is the ending of time;
The timeless, unconditioned, uncreated;
Uncompounded no-time!