Spring News
Dear Friends
Spring has arrived offering the opportunity of new life, new growth, fresh opportunities, vitality and inspiration. Now that we have weathered the Winter, this new season reminds us to engage more Mindfulness and Motivation as we move towards completing objectives and tasks before the end of this year 2016.
Here at Well-Aware-Ness this includes getting ready for transplanting our practice in North Sydney to the warmer sub-tropics of the Tweed Coast.
I would like to remind you of the opportunity to make the most of Well-Aware-Ness in Sydney through
- Arranging consultations with me for Psychological Counselling, Coaching, Mentoring
- Attending our weekly Meditation Groups on Thursday morning or Thursday evening
- Attending our special Meditation 5 week program
- Attending our last Urban Retreat in December
I will be remain available for client consultations through SKYPE or phone after leaving Sydney.
I will also remain available for Meditation Retreats on invitation.
Remember to Re-Mind ourselves of the importance of Mental Calm and Clarity together with Wisdom and Joy in our life, and that much of this becomes possible through our Meditation practice.
Metta Regards
John B.