Spring Newsletter
Dear Friends
I hope this note finds you venturing forth from the hibernation that Winter offers as we move into the warmer weather of Spring.
Here in Australia the coming of Spring reminds us that our year is moving closer to its end! Already two thirds of our year has gone, that’s eight months out of our twelve.
Apart from delighting in the beginning of some warmer weather (not that it gets too cold here); the blossoming of fragrant flowers, bushes and trees as well as the sounds of many birds and wild life coming forth; Spring can remind us to check in on how we are progressing through our year? Spring may also motivate us to get on with those things that we may have been putting off until the time was right or the weather warmer.
Here at WELL-AWARE-NESS on the Tweed Coast my Psychology Counselling work has continued through the Winter months; seeing clients both in Kingscliff and at Farrants Hill, helping to monitor and manage issues and illnesses, helping to make use of opportunities and mindful-wise options for a life of ‘Sustainable Well-Being’.
Many of my Psychology Clients are based in Sydney where we engage in Skype or Phone Sessions, appreciating the Buddhist Psychology / Philosophy approach that I offer.
The WELL-AWARE-NESS Monday Night Meditation Group – here at ‘Ratanagiri’ has continued through the cool and darker weeks of the year. I certainly welcome all of you that live within range that may have taken a break from our Group through Winter, to mindfully motivate yourself back into Monday Meditations here (6.30 – 7.30pm).
Over the last three months of Winter we had two Half-Day Meditation Retreats here at ‘Ratanagiri’. On Sunday 1st July our Retreat was on the theme of ‘Meditations and Reflections for Sustainable Well-Being’ and on Sunday 26th August our Retreat was on the theme of ‘Meditations and Reflections on the Four Ways of Mindfulness’. Both retreats were well attended especially the last one and I feel everyone enjoyed the ‘practical-wisdom’ for living our lives more consciously.
Our next Half Day Meditation Retreat will again be at ‘Ratanagiri’ on Sunday 14th October 2018 with the theme of ‘The Four Spiritual Emotions’
The final Half-Day Meditation Retreat for the year will be on Sunday 2nd December 2018. Participants are welcome to bring a plate of food to share and stay for lunch after the retreat finishes at 1.00pm for this occasion.
I do welcome those of you from Sydney that especially did enjoy my Retreats at WELL-AWARE-NESS in Sydney to fly up and join us for one of these Half-Day Retreats. Having myself flown up and down weekly for 5 years – I know that the flight from Sydney to Coolangatta – Gold Coast Airport is an easy trip. Through the ‘Day Light Saving’ months, these Retreats are from 10.00 – 1.00pm making a day trip quite workable.
Those of you that live close may enjoy my Special Guest, speaking at the Monday Night Meditation Group on Monday 17th September. Venerable Mettaji (Stephen Mayers) who now lives as a Buddhist Monastic at Bodhinyana Monastery – Perth WA, will visit me for a couple of days and share with the Meditation Group on his life as a monk. Please come and join us for this special occasion.
Please maintain your ongoing Mindfulness and Wisdom for your ‘Sustainable Well-Being’ in life.
I share with you below some interesting Dhamma Teachings found on You Tube, together with a short film made of the Buddhist Monastery where I spent many year in Thailand as a Buddhist Monk.
Metta – Kind Regards
John B.