Dear Friends
Life does have its gain and loss; its pleasure and pain; its satisfaction and sorrow; its blessings and its blights.
Yet the real sadness is when we miss our Life by not being present for it. We can appreciate that Life is but a collection of ongoing present moments, which are not always pleasant and pleasing, wonderful or exciting. Most of the flowing moments of our Life are quite ordinary; yet they are our Life!
What makes our Life or any one’s Life worthwhile and also makes us worthy of Life is how Mindful, Conscious and Present we can be to what is happening – Right Here, Right Now with Right View.
Where ever, Why ever and Whenever – we are;
Take a moment, have a moment, see a moment and be for a moment!If we can be Mindful;
Mindfulness makes;
Much more of the moment;
This moment, that moment, any moment and every moment!In this Way – the Mindful Way;
The Way of Mindfulness makes
So much more of Life.
This Life, your Life, my Life, our Life and every Life!Mindfulness makes Life;
So much more Manageable, Meaningful and even Magnificent!
Much more than we can, could or would;
Ever consciously conceive of!