Dear Friends
We live in troubling times, but how frequently do we feel troubled?
Sometimes the ways of the World and the lessons of Life can be quite tiresome and troubling.
The Challenge here is to appreciate that while things can be troubling, we don’t necessarily need to become troubled!
Life is what we make it, for better or for worse and for the most part, Peace of Mind is an inside job!
This is the work of our ongoing Mindfulness and Daily Meditation Practice.
Certainly, at times we may feel troubled, but how we respond to this feeling and deal with the external situation is very much down to us, or might we say – up to us!
We need to be careful about not creating mental habits of Reacting or Resisting, Denying or Distracting, Clinging or Condemning. This is all part of our ongoing investigation, contemplation and realization of what is really real and what is Ultimate Reality!
My verse below asks the question of how frequently we might find ourselves feeling troubled and what we might be able to do about this.
Kind Regards
John B.
There are those that are troubled for an hour;
Then they find delight and joy in the beauty and scent of a flower.
There are those that are troubled for a day;
Then they remind themselves to be happy, come what may!
There are those that are troubled for a night;
Then they feel relief with the new day’s dawning light.
Then there are those that are troubled for days and even longer;
They tend to see the world and life quite negative and always feel quite sombre!
Yet, there are those few that are troubled not;
With Wisdom they accept the reality of the world and their Life’s lot!
So, on being troubled; where do we sit, stand or abide?
Do we live and experience our Life Mindfully and Wisely, along for the ride?