Dear Friends
Our year is filled with four seasons, each of which has its particular path and purpose in the context of Nature and the cycle of Life.
Each season has a particular mood and energy that affects us in a particular way, based upon how that season is expressed through Nature, the result of the season that has been and affecting the season that will come.
A certain significant season is that of Autumn; which lies between the two extreme seasons of Summer and Winter. Autumn expresses a calming, quietening, cooling and a slowing. Autumn brings relief to the intensity that was Summer and helps us to prepare for the cold of Winter.
When we are Mindful and Attentive we can be both Perceptive and Receptive through our senses, to the changes that Nature expresses as the season of Autumn.
As Nature expresses Autumn externally, we can also be Mindful to how this season affects us internally, our particular thoughts, states of mind, mood, bodily sensations and behaviour’s.
Autumn calls us to our senses to sense, feel, perceive and receive this beautiful time of year and time in our life. A call to quietening, calming, reflection and meditation.
Please enjoy my verse below that hints at this possibility.
John B.
She quietly arrived into our life with grace and care;
For a while we did not know that she was there.
Her presence was felt as a cool soft breeze;
Nurturing our life with more joy and ease.
We saw her in the soft pale sky;
The hint of clouds appearing as if so shy.
We heard her in small birds song and voice;
The end of summer heat brings relief and rejoice.
Flowers offered her their fragrant bloom;
Here for a while but gone so soon.
Leaves honoured her with yellow, red, amber and orange glow;
On trees and on forest paths where she would go.
Glistening crystal jewels of dew on native grass;
Sparkling in soft gilt light as she would pass.
A quietening, softening and slowing of the pace of things;
All this an expression of what she is and what she brings.
For she is Autumn a season of beauty rare;
A time for Mindful Meditation, Contemplation and Care.